Our goal is to make sure you’re happy with your purchase! If for any reason you’re not satisfied, feel free to return your order. You have 10 days from the purchase date or 2 days after delivery to do so. Unfortunately, refunds or exchanges cannot be provided after this period.

To qualify for a return, the item must be unused and in its original condition and packaging. Keep in mind that some items like gift cards and specific personal care products are non-return.

For a return, we’ll need a receipt or proof of purchase, so please don’t send item back to the manufacturer. Once we receive your return and check it over, we’ll drop you an email confirming its arrival. We’ll then let you know if your refund is good to go. If approved, your refund will be processed within 2-4 days and credited back to your card or original payment method, depending on their policies.

If you wish to cancel an order, shoot us an email within 5 hours. Your refund will get processed soon after if it hasn’t been shipped out yet.

If you’re waiting on a refund that’s taking too long, first check your bank account and contact your credit card company if needed. When all else fails, reach out to us at mnsmanufacturers@gmail.com.

Full-priced items can be refunded but sadly sale items cannot.

We only allow exchanges for defective or damaged items. Drop us an email at mnsmanufacturers@gmail.com if this applies to you.

When sending back a product, take note of our address: [MuscleBar Second floor, city plaza, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201009]. Shipping charges for returns are on you and non-refundable; they’ll be subtracted from your refund amount.

Packaging up your return well is crucial! A trackable shipping service is recommended to ensure safe transit back to us.

Got questions about Shipping and Refund Policy? Don’t hesitate to ask! We’re here and eager to help you out!